An Olive Branch | Ethical Misconduct Resources
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Ethical Misconduct Resources

Articles and White Papers

Clergy Sexual Misconduct and the Misuse of Power,” a white paper by An Olive Branch

An Olive Branch: Reaching Out to Those Affected by Abuse in Buddhist Sanghas” by Justin Whittaker, October 23, 2017, in Buddhist Door


Online Resources on Ethical Misconduct

Dalai Lama denounces ethical misconduct by Buddhist teachers” by Sam Littlefair, August 8, 2017, in Lion’s Roar

Link to “When a Buddhist Teacher Crosses the Line” by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, October 26, 2017, in Lion’s Roar

Sexual Misconduct is No Joke” by Tynette Deveaux, October 18, 2017, in Lion’s Roar

Confronting Abuse: Be Proactive” by An Olive Branch, July 18, 2017, in Lion’s Roar

No More Secrets” by Tynette Deveaux, November 19, 2014, in Lion’s Roar issue on Confronting Abuse of Power

Our Teachers are not Gods” by Rob Preece, November 20, 2014 in Lion’s Roar

Books on Ethical Misconduct

Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche. The Guru Drinks Bourbon? Published by Shambala, November 2016.

FaithTrust Institute. Responding to Clergy Misconduct: A Handbook

  • Definition of Clergy Misconduct (p. 8)
  • Traits and behaviors common to most clergy abusers (p. 23-24)
  • Ethical Analysis – Power and Vulnerability (p. 41-43)
  • Ethical Analysis: What’s Wrong with Ministerial Sexual Abuse? (p. 49-50)
  • The Elements of Justice-Making (p. 61-62)

Gaede, Beth Ann, ed. When a Congregation is Betrayed: Responding to Clergy Misconduct. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2005.

Kornfield, Jack. A Path with Heart: A Guide through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life. See Chapter 18, “The Emperor’s New Clothes: Problems with Teachers.” Bantam, 1993.

Preece, Rob. The Wisdom of Imperfection: The Challenge of Individualism in Buddhist Life. See the chapter “The Teacher-Student Relationship.” September 2010, Snow Lion.